I am away from below were the human world of disrupt and temptation with confusion walks endlessly. I can sense energy in the air and I can feel the mystery . The sky has gathered together for the blessing of the earth to nourish her. Within it I see the power. The sky is gray filled with beliefs for the unbelievers. We are sheltered from the eyes of the stars. The rain has fallen in and out of our field it is an honor to me to experience the birth of the sky. Now the night has approached and the street lights are glistening off the roof tops and the black and dark paved streets. I can hear the car tires glide over the water making a constant sound that turns rhythmic. I can see the people walking as though their entering in and out of consciousness. Walking aimlessly in the rain looking for an answer to call upon their quest of wonder In were they are going. I feel the the sky crying and weeping for the lost souls.
The air is enriched with hope and faith and knowledge with the purist of love. I shed my eyes so I can see and hear the spirit. With what contact do I have, what new world to see. It is the same world with a different realm. Some people live in the realm of the flesh, and very few live in the realm of the spirits. People go on with no knowledge of tomorrow not realizing that time is not existing in this world but of it. I can see beyond my flesh , I can hear with my soul and connect with the higher spirit.
I do live in this realm alone even though I have a family. One cannot communicate with another if they live among in a different life.
I cannot talk to anyone whom do not understand . To most it is riddles in wording but to the few it is the knowledge of life. I can see and hear and touch the connection of a fellow human for we are connected in more ways than one knows . I have found the way to that connection and I find that the energy between all living things share a bond even anything that is not living has energy within it created from the energy in witch it came from therefore carries energy which is living and we are connected.
I know that I must keep helping those who made it to the level of their quest in consciousness with emptiness and they now urn for what they do not understand I can help them to their path to fullness, reality of truth time of the true reality, to reach their enlightenment of thought. To reach is in short distance. We are programmed to see things for what they are not instead of what they really are we were created with life force , a link between the reality what we think , a link with our flesh, a link with our higher self , a link with whom each individual choose for that higher being. People have to figure out how to understand each link and what's the purpose and then they can link it all together to continue their path to higher consciousness.
People pre-judge with their eyes and not their heart. Know one knows their true path of past , present , and future. Bringing to life the wonders of faith and let your spirit be your guide. Touch and be anointed with the gift that has been given to you. To surpass in life is to journey within and know where your mind can connect with your spirit to achieve your place. Bring out the true life that dwells inside your mind, flourish it and nourish it. To see one must have an open mind to see without barriers. What is the true reality from the path of existence and the reality that society have you to believe what is real. Even though we hear or even feel the positive voice of our higher self warning us from danger or things that just not in our path. It is the blessings that we are given a choice to make choices. It is the miracle to have that right mind and be able to think upon any answer or thought. As humans we make choices that are not agreeable to our life. We never realize that what we go against with ourselves shall return to strong. If you can concur the lesson and learn from the choice you make you may not have such a strong struggle because you would have addressed it head on.
When growth of the spirit has started on it’s journey you will encounter the many faces of
Mother Earth.
Enjoy it in this time.
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